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35th Stonehaven Folk Festival

10-13 July 2025



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Some of the best Traditional and Contemporary Folk music. Concerts, Ceilidh, Sessions, Singarounds, Workshops,
the famous Aqua Ceilidh and World Paper’n’Comb Championships!
Stonehaven Folk Festival was established in 1989 and has gone from strength to strength ever since, attracting 2,000 attendees last year
Fringe Events
In 2023 we had over 50 events from main stage concerts in the Town Hall to informal sessions and singarounds in the pubs and around the Harbour
Aqua Ceilidh
Where else can you do ceilidh dancing in your swimming costume?! Don't miss our famous Aqua Ceilidh in the Open Air swimming pool on Sunday morning!
Took part in the World's Largest Ceilidh band - along with 22 dancers, 3 witnesses and over 25 volunteers.
A fantastic afternoon of music, dance and fun
Stonehaven Folk Festival is supported by
TMSA Standard RGB2