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Virtual World Paper'n'Comb Championships

2020 World Paper ‘n’ Comb Competition to Go Virtual

This Year’s World Paper ‘n’ Comb Competition will unfortunately be postponed ~ our MC Combchita has a bad back and is resting, however we will be back - watch this space

For reasons that I’m sure are obvious to anyone not running a government from Westminster,
Social distancing and that nasty bug Covid 19 have put paid to our usual romp through
the wilderness that is the World Paper ‘n’ Comb Competition.

Last year’s winner has moved back to New Zealand. But even moving to the other side of
the world is not far enough away not to be found by the organisers of this prestigious event.

No, we have tracked Michael Boon to a smallish town on the South Island and persuaded him (I have never liked the word ‘forced’ in relation to this competition – as those who have attended over the years can – I mean will – testify) to submit an entry for WPNC2020. (I’m sure you can work it out!)

As a special treat this year you will be able to use a comb and paper of your own choosing as the shelves are bare of Izal and most other hygiene type papers.

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So, this is what you need to do to take part…

The Categories remain the same – although we recognise that it will need to be groups of families living together to take part in the group competitions. We are doing our best to encourage sibling rivalry in the individual competitions and hope that this will add to any tensions caused by the ‘lockdown’ situation.

The Categories are…

Winners will receive the usual Certificate and as a special incentive a photograph of the World Championship Trophy.

And very good luck to you all !

* Past judges have included Liz Clark of Celtic Music radio, Anna Massie, Billy Connolly and a hairdresser from Edinburgh.

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