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Artists’ Enquiries for Future Festivals:

Meg Findlay
Send Email 

General Folk Festival Enquiries:

Send Email  

Phone : 07498 297541

The 'phone is not monitored 24/7 so if we don't reply, please leave your name, number and a short message, we will get back to you.

Please note we do not have a craft fare or require outside catering facilities, equipment hire etc., If your enquiry is about any of these we may not reply.

Ticket Enquiries:

Send Email
Phone: Ticket number 07881 480737

The email and phone will not be monitored before 1st March 2024

Volunteer or Help at the Festival:

We are always looking for keen enthusiastic people to help over the Festival weekend and the days before and after it. Duties vary from stewarding an event, helping with marketing, putting and taking down the Marquee, assisting with general office enquiries, distributing posters, leaflets and signs - the list goes on.

If you are interested in more information or would like to volunteer please send us an email and we will get back to you with more information.

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Stonehaven Folk Festival is supported by
aif member small